Report regarding the white moth invasion
During the previous 7 days, a great number of patients came in our hospital (Dermatovenerology Infirmary). The reason for their arrival in the hospital is a rash on the skin after the contact with the white moth. It is so-called ”zutotrb” (Lepidoptera, Lymantridae).
This kind of a pest eats leaves of many species of deciduous trees and shrubs. Butterflies are white with characteristic tuft of yellow hair at the end of the abdomen. The caterpillar is grayish black color with two rust red lines on the back side. Overside it has one white line, which is composed of diagonal dashes. Caterpillar’s length is 30-40mm. It is light-loving insect and swarms in the summer evenings, during the month of July.
Each segment has nipples from which it lays thickly yellow hair causing itching on the skin of people. In the contact with the skin it causes redness and swelling, small red rash with strongly severe itching.
Citizens are advised to come in the hospital to be examined by doctors and to receive an adequate therapy.
Advice or recommendation for citizens is to avoid the contact with this kind of butterflies.